
Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Merry chrismas

i learned  how to make the photo brighter

and i enjoyed looking at other people work 

and i like my work and everyone's

i hope you like mine merry chrismas work

Wasp animation chilli 3

 i am learning to summarise 

and i enjoyed doing the wasp animation 

and i had a wasp story too in the chromebook 

and do you like wasp animations i do.

Monday, November 30, 2020

A Boy Riding Rhinoceros

 this is a made up srory about a boy and 3 rhinoceros

and I am learning to make new words 

and i enjoyed doing the fun work 

and i hope you like my work i done. 

Friday, November 27, 2020

kiwi animation

 i am  learning to do animation

i enjoyed doing the animation 

and i hope you like my animation 

do you like saving the kiwi's 

saving the kiwi's poster

I am learning to save the kiwi's 

and I enjoyed  doing the kiwi animation 

and I did some facts

Do you guys like saving kiwi's I do? 

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

the 3 little pigs and evil wolf animation chilli 3

 i am  learning to summaring

i enjoyed doing the 3 little pigs animation

and i hope you enjoy my animation 

and do you like doing 3 little pigs animation?

Friday, November 20, 2020

my dance party code org

 i made a code org dance party 

i hope you enjoy my dance party

and do you like my other classmates party

and hope you like my dance party

i tasted a radish By manvir

 i am  learning to do Phil stops 

and i enjoyed writing about the radish i tasted

and i did eat it

do you guys like radish? 

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Infer From images

i learned to find clues in images

i enjoyed finding the clues 

and this was fun 

do you like my work 

Friday, November 13, 2020

spider animtion & life cycle

 i learn making the bug animtion 

i enjoyed doing the bug animtion

and i liked my classmates animtion

i hope you enjoy my animtion

spider poster

 i am learning bug poster's 

i enjoyed doing linking with my partner

and i liked and looked other people's poster

if you did a bug poster what bug would you choose? 

big red moth

 this is a made up story this is the big moth 

and this is my favourite writing 

and i enjoyed writing alot 

do you seen a big moth? 

An butterfly is following me then lucky i had magical power then i 

Failed then the moth followed me to work then i left early 

But the got on the shoulder then it was the time to 

Use to the power to get the moth away. Then the moth

Got a big jump then i missed  then moth got on the roof 

Then the got on me then it disappears in my shirt then got out then a red color  

Snake head moth then it got on me then stand still on my arm until i went in my house then went back outside then. The moth went to the park with me then it flies around  then one day was different the red moth went on the roof then i went home only standing outside waiting for the moth then in 1 hour it came back to me it wanted to play again so i guess i went inside to play with the moth then the next.

Day the moth was hiding under the bed. 

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

who Kidnapped THE PRINCIPAL

 this work was about to find out who was the kidnaper?

and the work i find out who it was 

this work did everything to help us

did you guys like my work i hope you guys do.

Friday, November 6, 2020

grasshopper chased me

 i enjoyed doing writing everytime and did grasshopper chased me 

and this is a made up story

and i like it so much 

you guys may like it 

Grasshoppers be on the grass and leaves some grasshopper be on a car but sometime is be’s on people and grasshopper does noting some people slap  grasshoppers because they get scared and run and the grasshopper may stab you  with its front arms spike

And you may start to get blood and grasshoppers get on trees and one jumped on me and I ran. AWAY!! And the grasshopper was still on me then i got on the grass and the grasshopper got out when i started to walk the grasshopper chased me then i jumped over a little growing tree then the grasshopper did not know.

Go over the little growing tree when it knowed how to get over the tree then when it saw me it chased me again i ran fast home then locked the door the grasshopper tires to get in but it can’t get in then i had a break for running too fast then in 8 minute the grasshopper was gone in the tree in nextdoor then i went back inside i looked again the grasshopper got in the house and got into the toilet and i rushed it then then the grasshopper gets out fast of the. Toilet then got on my arm then it jump on the window and ran in the kitchen then got in fridge then the fridge the i open it got outside then never came back then i asked my self why did i do this put the grasshopper in the fridge then at that. Moment then grasshopper then my mom came then the grasshopper became friends  forever. Then one day was different. 

To Vavega envelope

 this is a card for vavega 

and this can be cool to everyone  

and im making a envelope animtion to vavega 

and do you guys like doing animtion's?

All about me in numbers

this is all about me in numbers and i hope you like it 

and in math time i do all about me in numbers  

and im done doing it now 

do you guys like maths

Dinosaur chase

 this is a made up story 

and i enjoy doing dinosaur chase writing 

and the more time get and write more

i hope you guys like my story

One day walking in the sunny day then a dinosaur came running at me then i ran into a neighbours house the the dinosaur. Broke the house then the dinosaur got confused

Then in 10 second it saw me it ran to me i ran away in a Museum then the dinosaur destroyed the museum then the dinosaur sted by a glass by from the museum then the dinosaur still chased me then got out of the museum then the dinosaur rawr at me then ran into a 1897 car hid in it then the dinosaur went behind the tree then i got out but so as the dinosaur then i ran in a someone’s house got  a gun the shot the dinosaur in the  woods then broken everything.

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Make the earth clean

i enjoyed doing preservation and conservation

this is all about making the earth clean 

and everyone needs to clean the earth now because animal are dieing 


Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Concluding 2 by manvir

 I enjoyed concluding 

and a wasp and a bird wasp is scared of the bird 

and the bird was its eyes was wide open

do you guys like my work?  

Thursday, October 29, 2020

concluding 1 by manvir

 this work the first slide says what can i see in the photo 

i enjoyed doing concluding 1 this this cool class room 

and the work i did i completed it 

do you like doing concluding?

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

honey bees

 i enioyed doing honey bees facts 

i started yesterday and today i finish

and bees like honey so do people

do you guys like honey only or bees.

Friday, October 16, 2020

whale shark writing

 this is a whale shark writing hope you enjoy

and this whale shark writing 

and to me its so so interesting

have you guys seen a whale shark soon now

Whale shark are my favourite sea animal because they are the largest shark in the sea it has a large mouth and has white dots and a big tail and the eyes on the side almost 

And human fingerprints on the whale shark and 20m. Females give birth to live young but this has never been observed. Where pupping occurs and where the youngest animals and the whale shark hunt sometimes the whale shark see’s tiny fishes and sometimes it don’t eat grown ups and the whale sharks live in Australia and in the sea some people in Australia see the whale shark out of the water peeking his head outside to see his land and do back 

Underwater and swim more and whale shark and live up to 130 years and we all know that sea animals see with their eyes underwater and 

Even humans and whale sharks to me i think of it the mouth it can eat us what do you guys think yes or no.   

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Monarch Butterfly

 I enjoyed doing facts abouts butterflys

and i picked a butterfly  facts i did monarch butterfly

and this is fun work

did you guys saw a butter fly 

5 cool facts about wetas

 i like wetas but in my place i don't see any of it 

and some wetas are tree wetas 

some kids scared of weta can wetas be scared of people? what do you guys think?

do you guys seen a weta? 

Friday, September 25, 2020

Little Garden Animation

 i been doing this animation fast to finish to my blog

and other people been doing the little garden anmation 

this work was fun doing with friend do you like your gardens in your house? 

Ice Cream Day Free

 i been  writing about ice cream

the whole school gotten ice cream and ate it

in my class when we got ice cream open it and eat it 

do you kids and teachers like ice creams? or ice blocks  

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Nits & Lice Poster

 nits are little things live in your hair and head 

sometimes they lay eggs in your head 

some people got straight hair and the lice and nit slip off

do you want to get nits? stay away from nits

Friday, September 18, 2020

Shopping anmation & uber

 i started doing this yesterday

this work is a a man walking into pak'n'save

and shopping this may be disturbing

you guys like anmations? and ubers?

Thursday, September 17, 2020

How To Make A Poi

 this is how to make a poi and swing it 

this poi work is a book you make like a ball and a string

do you guys like making a poi?

Design & Technology

 this work is for money 

the work is awesome you guys can try it 

it can learn you technology and other

do you guys want to learn technology

My slide of money

 i been working on this in term 2 i think

i enjoyed working on this in term 3 now 

and we doing shopping in class 

do you like doing shopping with your mom one day?

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

the waterpark shark animation

 i enjoy doing animations because they make it fun for people

i came out with this idea and gave me so much clues to make details

 do you like doing animations? 

i learn new things and other things.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Infer from text

 i been doing chilli tasks in reading 

also my group has been working hard on this infer texts 

and the class was doing different work.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Puppets and Rhyppet Logo

 our class been making Rhyppets in google drawing 

our classmates been doing very hard work on their chromebook

my work looks funny it looks good to me 

did your classmates how to put in sale? my teacher knows.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

What is a nogard and model

our class do chilli tasks and our class finished on time too

my teacher checks our class work 

and our reading work be's hard to people 

does your teacher do theses reading tasks?

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Nobody Laughed

our class has been learning things and sense 

this work took 30 secs and this work was easy to me 

my work i thinks its good and perfect 

did your teacher do different groups my one is 

Friday, July 3, 2020

Why should people come to NZ? writing

i have been writing about why should people come to nz?

i do what the teacher says then i did this writing story

my learning in my mind in helping me learn

have ur teacher do these writing story?    

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Where's Toki

our class has been doing this reading task for this year

and we had a great time doing tasks 

i have been learning wheres toki the story 

have ur teacher read you guys the toki story?

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Blog comments

we are doing blog comments work and this is the one.

our class have been learning about comix work

our teacher learns us to do what she says.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Matariki animation

i learn Matariki site of a animation

i learned Matariki video then i did a plant animation growing

have ur teacher did matariki work my teacher did.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Inference Detective animation by manvir

i have been learning about this reading site

i have been working on this for a day now 

have ur teacher do reading sites? my teacher do.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Sort the Comments

i have been learning about Sort the Comments 

it been fun when we had to finish the work 

and this work is the fun one 

my teacher is the BEST!