
Friday, November 6, 2020

grasshopper chased me

 i enjoyed doing writing everytime and did grasshopper chased me 

and this is a made up story

and i like it so much 

you guys may like it 

Grasshoppers be on the grass and leaves some grasshopper be on a car but sometime is be’s on people and grasshopper does noting some people slap  grasshoppers because they get scared and run and the grasshopper may stab you  with its front arms spike

And you may start to get blood and grasshoppers get on trees and one jumped on me and I ran. AWAY!! And the grasshopper was still on me then i got on the grass and the grasshopper got out when i started to walk the grasshopper chased me then i jumped over a little growing tree then the grasshopper did not know.

Go over the little growing tree when it knowed how to get over the tree then when it saw me it chased me again i ran fast home then locked the door the grasshopper tires to get in but it can’t get in then i had a break for running too fast then in 8 minute the grasshopper was gone in the tree in nextdoor then i went back inside i looked again the grasshopper got in the house and got into the toilet and i rushed it then then the grasshopper gets out fast of the. Toilet then got on my arm then it jump on the window and ran in the kitchen then got in fridge then the fridge the i open it got outside then never came back then i asked my self why did i do this put the grasshopper in the fridge then at that. Moment then grasshopper then my mom came then the grasshopper became friends  forever. Then one day was different. 

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